Sunday, January 22, 2012

Econ 206: Macroeconomic Analysis. Sunday, Fall 2011. 9:20-12:00.

The material posted here is for: 

Econ 206: Macroeconomic Anaylsis
Spring 2012
Sunday 9:20 - 12:00 
Room Science B145

As you probably noticed there is a direct link to this post on the right hand side of the blog. 

I can be reached at:

Office Hours: Sunday:  8:00am to 9:00am and 12:00pm to 1:00pm

If I am not in the classroom (SC-B145) I will be in the adjunct office in the economics department: PH300B.  I will also usually be available after class. 

*NOTE*  The classroom has changed from SC-B145 to SC-B141 next door. 


Class Material:


1. Some Links about Apple
2. Structural vs Cyclical Unemployment
3. The Mankiw Walkout (Occupy Economics) and Teaching Econ.
4. Text's about the Financial Crisis
5. Some Links About Unemployment as a Labor Surplus.
6. Paul Krugman: Zero Bounds and Butter Mountains 

Homework Assignments:
1. Must be handed in during class.

2. Must be stapled. Assignments not stapled will lose a letter grade 

3. You must answer all questions. Failure to answer one question will result in a check minus. Failure to answer more than one question will result in a zero.
4. Rules for Emailing homework assignments (emergencies only)
a. Must be a single, legible pdf or word document.
b. Must be time stamped before the beginning of class on the day it is due.

Homework #1: Due March 4th.
Homework #2: Due March 11th.
Homework#3: Due March 18th.
Homework #4: Due March 25th
Homework #5: Due May 6th
Homework #6: Due May 13th

Econ 215: Money and Banking. Sunday, Fall 2011; Sunday 1:00 - 3:40.

The material posted here is for: 

Econ 215: Money and Banking 
Spring 2012
Sunday 1:00 - 3:40. 

Room PH155 

As you probably noticed there is a direct link to this post on the right hand side of the blog. 

I can be reached at:

Office Hours: Sunday:  8:00am to 9:00am and 12:00pm to 1:00pm

If I am not in the classroom (PH155) I will be in the adjunct office in the economics department: PH300B.  I will also usually be available after class.



David Graeber on the origins of money
Facebook's IPO and the Average Investor (NPR podcast) -Reinforces my explanation of what an IPO/underwriting is.

Homework Assignments:


1. Must be handed in during class.

2. Must be stapled. Assignments not stapled will lose a letter grade 

3. You must answer all questions. Failure to answer one question will result in a check minus. Failure to answer more than one question will result in a zero.
4. Rules for Emailing homework assignments (emergencies only)
a. Must be a single, legible pdf or word document.
b. Must be time stamped before the beginning of class on the day it is due.
Homework #1: Due March 4th.
Homework #2: Due March 18th
Homework #3: Due March 25th
Homework #4: Due May 6th
Homework #5: Due May 13th