Saturday, October 4, 2014

John Conchrane on the Theory and Empirics Split in Macro

Just dumping this here for when I have to convince people it is fine that I don't have a theory section in my papers.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

GDP growth under Reagan and Obama

Index of GDP growth under Obama (100=Jan 2009)

Index of GDP growth under Reagan (100= Jan 1980)

Labor Force participation rates Reagan vs Obama

Employment/Pop Ratio under Reagan (roughly)

Employment/Pop Ration under Obama (roughly)

Friday, August 22, 2014

Econ 201: Macroeconomic Analysis. Fall 2014: Sunday, 9:15-12:00.

The material posted here is for: 
I can be reached at:
Office Hours: Sunday:  8:00am to 9:00am and 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Homework #1: Due 9/28

Econ 201: Macroeconomic Analysis 
Fall 2014 Sunday 9:15 - 12:00 
Room PH 155

As you probably noticed there is a direct link to this post on the right hand side of the blog. 

If I am not in the classroom (PH155) I will be in the adjunct office in the economics department: PH300B.  I will also usually be available after class. 

1.  GDP and Unemployment
2.  Inflation and Inequality
3.  IS-MP Model
4.  Okuns Law and the Philips Curve
5. Long Run Growth
6. The Solow Growth Model


1. Must be handed at the beginning of class.  I will not accept it after I start going over the assignment due to students copying the answers off the board and handing them in.
2. Must be stapled. Assignments not stapled will lose a letter grade 
3. You must answer all questions. Failure to answer one question will result in a check minus. Failure to answer more than one question will result in a zero.
1.  Only email it if you cannot come to class.
2.  Must be time stamped before class on Sunday.
3.  Send  a SINGLE pdf or MSWord document.
HW #1 Due 10/05
HW #2 Due 10/19
HW #3 Due 10/26

Hw #4 Due 11/23
HW#4 Tutorial for Q2.

HW#5 Due 12/07
HW#5 Data

HW #6 Due 12/14

Econ 215: Money and Banking. Fall 2014; Sunday 1:00-3:45

The material posted here is for: 

Econ 215: Money and Banking 
Fall 2014
Sunday 1:00 - 3:45. 
Room PH155

As you probably noticed there is a direct link to this post on the right hand side of the blog. 

I can be reached at:

Office Hours: Sunday:  8:00am to 9:00am and 12:00pm to 1:00pm

If I am not in the classroom (PH155) I will be in the adjunct office in the economics department: PH300B.  I will also usually be available after class.  If you want to meet with me it is best to email me ahead of time to make sure I will be around.

1. GDP and Unemployment and Inflation
2. Intl Finance Slides.

1. Must be handed at the beginning of class.  I will not accept it after I start going over the assignment due to students copying the answers off the board and handing them in.
2. Must be stapled. Assignments not stapled will lose a letter grade 
3. You must answer all questions. Failure to answer one question will result in a check minus. Failure to answer more than one question will result in a zero.
1.  Only email it if you cannot come to class.
2.  Must be time stamped before class on Sunday.
3.  Send  a SINGLE pdf or MSWord document.

Homework #1: Due 9/28
Homework #2: Due 10/5
Homework #3: due 11/16
Homework #4 Due 12/14

Monday, May 5, 2014

Piketty Links

I said I would post a link to some articles about Piketty in class.  This is a good place to start:

If you are interested but don't want to read anything, the audio clip is informative.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Econ 215: Money and Banking. Spring 2014; Sunday 1:00-3:45

The material posted here is for: 

Econ 215: Money and Banking 
Spring 2014
Sunday 1:00 - 3:45. 
Room PH155

As you probably noticed there is a direct link to this post on the right hand side of the blog. 

I can be reached at:

Office Hours: Sunday:  8:00am to 9:00am and 12:00pm to 1:00pm

If I am not in the classroom (PH155) I will be in the adjunct office in the economics department: PH300B.  I will also usually be available after class.  If you want to meet with me it is best to email me ahead of time to make sure I will be around.
Mishkin Ch 1-3
The Gold Standard

Homework Assignment #4 Due 5/4
Homework Assignment #5 Due 5/11

1. Must be handed at the beginning of class.  I will not accept it after I start going over the assignment due to students copying the answers off the board and handing them in.
2. Must be stapled. Assignments not stapled will lose a letter grade 
3. You must answer all questions. Failure to answer one question will result in a check minus. Failure to answer more than one question will result in a zero.
1.  Only email it if you cannot come to class.
2.  Must be time stamped by 12:00pm Sunday.
3.  Send  a SINGLE pdf or MSWord document.

4.  I will not accept any homework by email 

Econ 201: Macroeconomic Analysis. Spring 2014: Sunday, 9:15-12:00.

The material posted here is for: 

Econ 201: Macroeconomic Analysis Spring 2014 Sunday 9:15 - 12:00 
Room PH 155

As you probably noticed there is a direct link to this post on the right hand side of the blog. 

I can be reached at:

Office Hours: Sunday:  8:00am to 9:00am and 12:00pm to 1:00pm
If I am not in the classroom (PH155) I will be in the adjunct office in the economics department: PH300B.  I will also usually be available after class. 
Jones Ch 1, 2 9 (pg 227-234)
2. Inflation and Inequality
Jones Ch 8
Jones Ch 9
4.IS-MP (UPDATED 3/16)
Jones Ch 11-12
5. Okuns Law and the Philips Curve
Jones Ch 9, 11
Jones Ch 12
Jones Ch 3 and 4.
8.  Piketty

Announcement about the final:  I would like to push the final back from 9:00 to 11:00 to 10:00 to 12:00.  There were no objections to this in class.  However, if this causes an issue for you, please email me at

In class exercises (from 3/30)
Homework Assignment #3: Due 3/23
Homework Assignment #4: Due 3/30

Homework Assignment #5: Due 4/2
Homework Assignment #5 data file
PowerPoint tutorial on calculations needed for HW #5

Homework #5 Answers:
PowerPoint of in-class graphs
Excel file with answers

Homework Assignment #6: Due 5/11

1. Must be handed at the beginning of class.  I will not accept it after I start going over the assignment due to students copying the answers off the board and handing them in.
2. Must be stapled. Assignments not stapled will lose a letter grade 
3. You must answer all questions. Failure to answer one question will result in a check minus. Failure to answer more than one question will result in a zero.
1.  Only email it if you cannot come to class.
2.  Must be time stamped by 12:00pm Sunday.
3.  Send  a SINGLE pdf or MSWord document.

4.  I will not accept any homework by email