Wednesday, January 30, 2013

NYU Gallatin: The Keynesian Century. Mon/Wed 9:30-10:45

Office Hours:
11:00 to 12:00 Mondays
1 Washington Place, Room 510


On Star Trek and socialism:

Two articles from Peter Frase:

Econ 215: Money and Banking. Spring 2013; Sunday 1:00-3:40

The material posted here is for: 

Econ 215: Money and Banking 
Spring 2013
Sunday 1:00 - 3:40. 

Room PH110 

As you probably noticed there is a direct link to this post on the right hand side of the blog. 

I can be reached at:

Office Hours: Sunday:  8:00am to 9:20am and 12:00pm to 1:00pm

If I am not in the classroom (PH110) I will be in the adjunct office in the economics department: PH300B.  I will also usually be available after class.  If you want to meet with me it is best to email me ahead of time to make sure I will be around.


Homework Assignments

1. Must be handed in during class.

2. Must be stapled. Assignments not stapled will lose a letter grade 

3. You must answer all questions. Failure to answer one question will result in a check minus. Failure to answer more than one question will result in a zero.
Homework #1 Due 2/24
Homework #2 Due 3/3
Homework #3 Due 3/10
Homework #4 Due 5/5
Homework #5 Due 5/12

Econ 206: Macroeconomic Analysis.Spring 2013. Sunday, 9:20-12:00.

Econ 206: Macroeconomic Analysis. Sunday, Fall 2012. 8:20-11:00.

The material posted here is for: 

Econ 206: Macroeconomic Analysis
Spring 2013
Sunday 9:20 - 12:00 
Room PH 114

As you probably noticed there is a direct link to this post on the right hand side of the blog. 

I can be reached at:

Office Hours: Sunday:  8:00am to 9:20am and 12:00pm to 1:00pm

If I am not in the classroom (PH114) I will be in the adjunct office in the economics department: PH300B.  I will also usually be available after class. 


Class Slides:

1. GDP and Employment
Jones Ch 1, 2 9 (pg 227-234)
2.  Inflation and Inequality
Jones Ch 8
3.  Short Run
Jones Ch 9
4.  Great Recession
Jones Ch 10
5.  IS Curve
Jones Ch 11
6.  IS-MP
Jones Ch 12
7.  The Long Run Production Function
Jones CH 3, 4
8.  The Romer Model
Jones Ch 6 pp133-151
9.  The Solow Model
Jones Ch 5

Homework Assignments

1. Must be handed in during class.

2. Must be stapled. Assignments not stapled will lose a letter grade 

3. You must answer all questions. Failure to answer one question will result in a check minus. Failure to answer more than one question will result in a zero.
Homework Assignment #1 Due 2/24
Homework Assignment #2 Due 3/17
Homework Assignment #3 Due 3/24
Homework Assignment #4 Due 5/5
Homework Assignment #5 Due 5/12 (Updated version posted 2:30 Monday 5/6/13)

In-class exercise March 24.

Due 4/7/13

Macroeconomic Analysis Take-Home Midterm
*I have edited the take-home exam (3/25).  Question #1 did not include the growth of potential output.  As well, while the natural rate of unemployment wasn't not really necessary to answer question 2b, including it will make answering the question easier.